Almoran and Hamet (1761)

Publishers: The Dublin edition is printed for W. Smith, H. Saunders, R. Watts, H. Bradley, J.Potts, and T. and J. Whithouse, Booksellers. The London edition is printed for H. Payne, and W.Croplet at Dryden’s Head in Pater-noster.

L-R: London, Dublin.

L-R: London, Dublin.


Size and Binding: London edition is comparatively smaller than the Dublin edition, and has been rebound in marbled boards. Dublin edition is printed in duodecimo gatherings. London edition is bound in octavo gatherings. Both the London and Dublin editions are bound two volumes in one. The London edition has been rebound in marble covers, and it is likely that the Dublin edition has also been rebound.


First half-title pages


First full title page


First Page of Book: Surprisingly, the margins in the London version are narrower than the margins of the Dublin version. This, however, is the result of the rebinding process, where books are cut down and fitted with new boards. The print is much larger in the London version, in comparison to the Dublin version. The first page of the novel occurs in the first gathering in the Dublin edition, whereas the London edition is already in the second signature of the book. Even accounting for the difference between the London octavo and the Dublin duodecimo, the first page of the text effectively starts on the eighth leaf in the London publishing, whereas it starts on the fifth in the Dublin version.


Second half title page:  The Dublin edition does not feature a second half title page.


Second full title page


Other Features

The pagination between the London and Dublin versions differs: where the London version started from p.1 in the second volume, the Dublin version continued its pagination across the two volumes.


Furthermore, the Dublin versions do not have page breaks between chapters, whereas all chapters in the London version start on a new page. The space taken by page breaks combined with the London edition’s larger font means that with the larger font in the London version, the London edition of Almoran and Hamet runs for 308 pages in total, whereas the Dublin version only runs for 240 pages.



All errata was noted in the London version, in an “Errata” page between Volume I and Volume II.

London, Errata Page

London, Errata Page

All the errata noted in the London version has been corrected in the Dublin version.This shows that the Dublin edition was printed from the London edition of Almoran and Hamet, incorporating the errata corrections into the text, and omitting the errata section as a result.


Dialogues of the Dead (1760)

Publishers: The Dublin edition is printed by Oli. Nelson, in Skinner-Row. The London edition is printed for W. Sandby, in Fleet-Street.

L-R: London, Dublin

L-R: London, Dublin


Size and Binding: London edition is comparatively larger than the Dublin edition, and has been rebound. Dublin edition is printed in duodecimo gatherings. London edition is bound in octavo gatherings.


Full Title Pages: By 1760, the London printing of Dialogues of the Dead is already in its third edition.


First Page of Book: London edition has wider margins than Dublin edition, and also features a wider header illustration. The margin size, however, may have been affected by the rebinding of both books. The first letter of the London edition uses a more elaborate dropcap than the Dublin edition.


Other features

The Dublin edition features a number of printing errors, misspelling the word “Dialogues” several times. Below are side-by-side comparisons of the London and Dublin editions.


Running title, p. 32-33, 56-57, 224-225, and chapter heading p. 90: “Dialouges” instead of “Dialogues”.


Running title, p. 142-143: “Diagloues” instead of “Dialogues”.


Running Title, p. 256-257: “Dialogue” instead of “Dialogues”.


The History of Miss Sommervile (1769)

Publishers: Both Dublin editions have been printed for D. Chamberlaine, W. Sleator, J. Potts, J. Williams, and C. Ingham.  The London edition has been printed for Newberry and Carnan, N9. 65. the North-Side of St. Paul’s Church-yard.

(L-R) Dublin 1, Dublin 2, London (2 vol.).


Size and Binding: Dublin editions are comparatively larger than the London volumes. Dublin editions are printed in duodecimo gatherings, and are bound two volumes in one book. London editions are bound in octavo gatherings, and are bound in two separate volumes.


Half Title Page: Dublin editions do not have a half title page.


Full Title Page 1


Full Title Page 2: The London editions only feature one full title page per volume, because each volume of The History of Miss Sommervile is bound separately.


First Page of Novel: Dublin versions have more text per page.


Other Features

Interestingly, the Dublin prints of The History of Miss Sommervile include advertisements for other books, whereas the London editions do not (the advertisement included is for other commercial goods). This is an unusual case– in my research, I’ve found that there are very few Dublin print books that include any advertisements at all, whereas it is far more common to find advertisements in the London editions of the same books.


Dublin 1


Dublin 2


London editions (v.1 & 2)
